
#EUCircularTalk – Cities & Regions

UPDATED: see recording About the EU Circular Talks The EU Circular Talks is a new exchange concept of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform. It aims to encourage stakeholders to interact and discuss the circular economy topics in the platform. Stakeholders initiate the topics themselves. These can take multiple forms of online events; workshops, seminars,

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EU Circular Talks – Network Governance & CE Hubs

European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform #EUCircularTalks Network Governance & CE Hubs Update: Recording available   Recent environmental and health crises showed how interconnected and interdependent we all are. These crises also highlighted the strain we put on natural resources. To sustain the pace at which we produce and consume natural resources, we would need

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Focus on Canadian Business Circularity

Miss the event? Here is the recording: Join “Focus on Canadian Business Circularity” a World Circular Economy Forum official side event. Organised by the CEC Clubs in Toronto, Calgary, London, Montreal and Quebec City. September 8th, 12:00-13:30 EDT (18:00-19:30 UTC+2) The Canadian Circular Economy Club Leaders of Canada are conducting a data-driven mapping of Circular

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