Smart Circular Cities & Regions


Scaleable, networkable, replicable


Public procurement as a tool for development


Multistakeholder solutions and input


supporting ownership and adoption


Focus on people, while using new technology, innovative methods, collaboration and co-creation to become more sustainable, attractive, productive and resilient

Place people in the centre

Identify and listen to the views of the people on how smarter, safer and more sustainable communities can be developed. Identify measures and solutions that can use new technology to improve and make more effective the range of services offered to all levels of society. In addition, contribute to better, greener living and working environments, while taking into consideration individual differences such as age, gender, cultural and socioeconomic background.

Consider the bigger picture

Formulate a long-term smart city strategy. Ensure strong political and administrative support. Base the strategy on real problem areas and needs, describing the results that are to be achieved through the use of new technology, innovative methods and co-creation. Identify various resourceful individuals and groups who can contribute to the development of new solutions, involving them along the way.

Prioritise climate and environment

Link smart city strategies to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and consider how new technology, new business models and co-creation can accelerate the ‘green shift’, while contributing to reducing the use of resources and making ecofriendly choices for people easier. Develop concrete measures and make the necessary adaptations to standards and regulations that, all in all, result in lower greenhouse emissions.

Promote inclusion and

Establish and operationalise physical and virtual platforms for co-creation to which local citizens, social entrepreneurs, the local business community,knowledge groups and volunteer sector are invited to identify challenges and solutions. Prepare a plan for how input is to be interpreted, developed and put to use. Approach this as a continuous dialogue that generates both a greater understanding and ownership of local and regional projects and initiatives.

Focus on next generation business

Facilitate business development that is diverse and sustainable. Play a proactive role as community developers in close collaboration with local businesses. Be open to trying new, ‘green’ business models based on new technology and a circular economy. Use innovative public procurement as a tool for community and business development and explore other financing models. Develop open, multi-disciplinary innovation processes, pilot projects and test arenas.

Share and use open data

Establish and operationalise physical and virtual platforms for co-creation to which local citizens, social entrepreneurs, the local business community,knowledge groups and volunteer sector are invited to identify challenges and solutions. Prepare a plan for how input is to be interpreted, developed and put to use. Approach this as a continuous dialogue that generates both a greater understanding and ownership of local and regional projects and initiatives.

Develop competencies and embrace change

Focus on collaboration within research groups, professionals and organisations, as well as the testing of new technology, can contribute to transition and innovation. Be mindful of the resistance to change that can occur within the organisation, but actively use employees as a valuable resource for knowledge and new ideas. Make sure to spotlight the positive effects of smart city initiatives, both within the organisation and to citizens.

Act local, think global

Base efforts on the local identity, challenges and needs. Look to other cities, municipalities, communities and collaborative partners for inspiration and opportunities. Formulate a plan for the national and international scaling and sharing of new solutions. Find ways to collaborate with national public authorities to facilitate a joint technical infrastructure, organise funding schemes and formulate regulations.
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